Les Jardins de la Valette

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Micro-farms: organic market gardening on a human scale

Microfarms' by JM Fortier

One hectare is all you need to make a comfortable living from vegetable production. Jean-Martin Fortier's method of intensive organic market gardening on a small plot of land makes it possible to produce organic vegetables in quantity and quality, while respecting biodiversity and the well-being of those who work. To achieve this, however, it's not enough just to grow vegetables. You also need to know how to plan and organize crops, and be a good day-to-day manager. Jean-Martin and eight professional market gardeners, who apply his method, share here all the keys to creating, managing and making a profit from a micro-farm. Their journey, from acquiring land to selling harvested vegetables, is detailed, including the business model, necessary investments, crop planning and team management. Tips and tricks are also revealed on how to grow organically like a professional!

Jean-Martin Fortier has developed a bio-intensive production method for small surfaces. Its effectiveness has earned him great success, not only in Canada, where he lives, but also in the United States and Europe. He founded the Institut jardinier-maraîcher, where he trains future farmers with the aim of promoting the global agricultural transition. He is also the author of the series 'Les guides du jardinier-maraîcher' published by Delachaux et Niestlé.

The authors

Jean-Martin Fortier has developed a bio-intensive production method for small surfaces. Its effectiveness has earned him great success, not only in Canada, where he lives, but also in the United States and Europe. He founded the Institut jardinier-maraîcher, where he trains future farmers with the aim of promoting the global agricultural transition. He is also the author of the series 'Les guides du jardinier-maraîcher' published by Delachaux et Niestlé.

Aurélie Sécheret is a journalist specializing in ecological transition and an urban farmer committed to the fight against food insecurity. She develops local farming projects within the Veni Verdi association, creating shared gardens, chicken coops, edible hedges and orchards in the heart of working-class neighborhoods.

Pierre Nessmann comes from a family of market gardeners in Strasbourg, and is a graduate of the Geneva School of Horticulture in Switzerland. For over 40 years, he has divided his time between his work as a landscape gardener and his activities as a journalist. He is the author of 'Mon jardin' qui s'adapte au changement climatique and 'Potager de père en fils', published by Delachaux et Niestlé.

Our book video

For the release of JMFortier's book "Microfermes", I went to Paris where I had the opportunity to discuss the costing of the intensive organic market gardening model with two other market gardeners, Jean Michel Le Guen from the microferme des Anges and Tom Rials from the ferme du Perche.

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