Everything you need to know about drip irrigation?

Drip hose on a vegetable farm

Drip irrigation

The drip irrigation system is widely used on our farm, as it allows water to be supplied in a highly localized manner, resulting in real savings. In this blog post, we'll explore the specifics and advantages of this irrigation method in intensive organic market gardening.


Irrigation in market gardening

Irrigation is a crucial step in market gardening, and intensive organic market gardening stands out for its thoughtful, efficient approach to irrigation. Drip irrigation offers specific features that make it a central element of this practice.

One of the distinguishing features of drip irrigation is its precision. Unlike other irrigation methods, drip delivers water directly to the base of the plant, where it's needed most. This optimizes water use by avoiding losses due to evaporation, runoff and dispersion.

Another important feature of drip irrigation is its ability to reduce disease and weeds. By avoiding watering the above-ground parts of plants, drip irrigation limits excessive moisture on the soil surface, creating an environment less conducive to weed growth and the development of fungal diseases.

Jardins de la Valette market garden

The advantages of drip irrigation

  • Precise water distribution at the base of plants, avoiding water losses due to evaporation, runoff and dispersion.

  • Reduce disease and weeds by avoiding watering above-ground plant parts and limiting excessive moisture on the soil surface.

  • Better control of soil moisture by adapting the frequency and duration of irrigation, promoting deep, strong root development.

  • Save time and labor by automating drip systems, freeing growers from the daily manual task of watering.


Our detailed video


To go further

Training in intensive organic market gardening

100% online training in organic market gardening

Our training courses are like ready-made kits adapted to France (climate, laws, sales methods, organization). They are designed for market gardeners who want to improve their results, and also for those who have a project in mind.

Intensive organic market gardening internship

An internship in market gardening

As a trainee, you'll be able to get involved in all stages of vegetable production, from seed preparation to tillage and fertilization.


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