They talk about us

Delachaux et Niestlé

"Les Jardins de la Valette, an innovative ecological farm, is one of eight portraits detailed in 'Microfermes', the latest book co-written by sustainable agriculture expert Jean-Martin Fortier and committed journalist Aurélie Sécheret. This book highlights exemplary agricultural initiatives, including that of our farm."



Living earth, 4 garden seasons

"In the world of small-scale, intensive organic market gardening enthusiasts, Sylvain Couderc is considered a forerunner of the bio-intensive model in France. A committed farmer who respects nature, he has succeeded in transforming his small plot of land into a productive, eco-responsible garden. "



Slow-Food #TerraMadre2020

"Regreso a la Tierra" with "Les Jardins de la Velette" in Vitoria-Gasteiz

Slow Food, an organization dedicated to preserving local culinary traditions and promoting sustainable agriculture, is gearing up for an exceptional training course in the Basque Country on organic-intensive market gardening.



Tour de france Agri

Tour de france agri

"Sylvain Couderc presented his gardens and how he set about applying intensive organic market gardening methods to his system. Theorized by the famous Quebecer Jean Martin Fortier, more and more young market gardeners today are applying these work organization techniques."



Ferme de Cagnolle - Paysans du vivant

"Discover the interview with Jardins de la Valette conducted by La Ferme de Cagnolle. In this video, we share our experience of living soil market gardening, an environmentally-friendly approach that promotes biodiversity and natural soil regeneration."



Slow-Food Turin

#TerraMadre 2024

"As part of the Terra Madre trade fair organized by Slow Food in Turin, Les Jardins de la Valette have been invited to take part in a discussion on regenerative agriculture and small-scale bio-intensive market gardening. The conference will be an opportunity to share our expertise and commitment to an agriculture that respects ecosystems, regenerates soils and guarantees local, high-quality production.

